Blog Therapy

Unpacking the World of Occupational Therapy

We work with a unique and diverse team of occupational therapists, each with different backgrounds, experiences, and education that shines additional light on Occupational Therapy (OT) best practises, emerging techniques and need-to-know information. We’ve compiled their insights here for your convenience!

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at home occupational therapy session with a child

What Happens During an OT Home Visit?

Occupational therapists help individuals regain, develop, or maintain the skills they need for day-to-day activities, fostering greater independence and improving quality of life. These professionals work with people of all ages who are facing physical, mental, or developmental challenges, providing

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a lady touching her neck and vocal chords

Handling Vocal Fatigue: Tips & Treatments

Vocal fatigue is an issue that can disproportionately affect many people who rely on their voice for their work. It’s a condition that can affect anyone from teachers and coaches to singers and public speakers, impairing the ability to communicate

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two children boys playing positively together

Enhancing Positive Behaviour in Therapy

Positive behaviour is a crucial aspect of therapy success across various disciplines, including occupational therapy, speech pathology, and behavioural support. It involves adopting actions, attitudes, and reactions that contribute to personal growth, effective communication, and overall well-being. In behavioural support

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elderly people outside enjoying life after a stroke

Occupational Therapy’s Role in Stroke Rehabilitation

A stroke, a leading cause of disability worldwide, can drastically alter a person’s life. Strokes can impair physical movement, communication ability, emotional regulation, and cognitive functions, presenting unique challenges for each individual affected. However, with effective stroke rehabilitation, many individuals

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children outside talking together

Speech Clarity Techniques for Children

The magic of language is a gift we often take for granted. Language allows us to express our thoughts, share our feelings, and connect with others. Yet, for many children, developing clear speech can be a challenge. Difficulties in articulation

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hyperactive children with ADHD and an OT

OT & ADHD in Children: Fostering Focus & Self-Regulation

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of children worldwide. It often leads to challenges in academic, social, and emotional development, and is characterised by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can

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young children focused in school and showing good sensory integration

Sensory Processing in Paediatric OT

Sensory processing is a crucial aspect of child development. It’s fundamental to understand that the way a child perceives and responds to sensory stimuli from their environment is integral to their overall growth and capacity to learn. This involves the

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an elderly person happily cooking independently in the kitchen thanks to Speech Pathology for Parkinson's Disease

Speech Pathology Approaches for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease, a neurodegenerative disorder, primarily affects dopamine-producing neurons in the brain, leading to a range of both motor and non-motor symptoms. The progressive nature of Parkinson’s means that these symptoms gradually worsen over time, posing increasing challenges to those

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children playing together happily in a field

Early Intervention in Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) is a dynamic and ever-evolving field that aims to improve the quality of life for individuals who face challenges in their daily activities. By focusing on enhancing personal independence in performing everyday tasks, occupational therapy offers tailored

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elderly person driving a car independently

Occupational Therapy for Adults with Dementia

Dementia is a progressive condition that affects millions of adults globally, impacting their cognitive function and ability to perform daily activities independently. Characterised by a decline in memory, problem-solving skills, and other cognitive abilities, dementia can significantly alter an individual’s

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elderly person using accessiblity grab rails

OT Home Modifications Enhancing Daily Living

Occupational therapy (OT) is a vital tool that aids individuals with disabilities to live independently and enjoy a better quality of life. By focusing on improving functional abilities and adapting the environment to meet individual needs, OT empowers people with

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child in a speech pathology session

Speech Pathology & Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people perceive and interact with the world around them. One of the most significant challenges faced by individuals with ASD is communication, which can range from

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children hyperactive and excited

Behavioural Support Strategies for Managing ADHD in Children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children worldwide. Characterised by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, ADHD can significantly disrupt academic performance, social interactions, and family dynamics, often leading to stress and frustration

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registered ndis occupational therapist

Finding an NDIS Registered Occupational Therapist

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has revolutionised the way Australians with disabilities receive support, including access to crucial occupational therapy services. The process of finding an NDIS registered Occupational Therapist (OT) can be daunting, but is an essential step

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child struggling to eat food

Feeding and Swallowing Challenges in Children

Navigating the world of feeding and swallowing challenges in children can be daunting for parents and caregivers. These difficulties not only impact a child’s nutritional intake but also their overall development and quality of life. Thankfully, paediatric speech pathology offers

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child experiencing sensory stimulation

Decoding the Sensory Profile (OT Report)

Navigating the complexities of childhood development can be a challenging journey for parents and caregivers, especially when faced with sensory processing issues that can significantly impact a child’s day-to-day life. Understanding these challenges is crucial, and that’s where the Sensory

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OT and Speech Pathology has never been easier

The integration of speech and occupational therapy presents a simple solution for families navigating the complexities of developmental challenges. For families needing multiple NDIS services, travelling between different clinics, juggling different therapists, and avoiding miscommunications becomes difficult. At Therapy Partners

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child playing on an ipad on a soft couch

Support for OT Home Modification Assessments

Creating accessible living environments is crucial for individuals with mobility or sensory challenges. Occupational Therapists (OTs) play a vital role in this process through Home Modification Assessments. These assessments are not just about making a space more navigable; they’re about

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Weighted blanket on sofa

The Benefits of Weighted Blankets in OT

Weighted blankets, once the purview of a specialised audience, have taken a spotlight in both mainstream wellness circles and therapeutic settings. Known for their calming and healing effects, they are making waves in the realm of occupational therapy and speech

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Paediatric OT for Sensory Processing Disorders

Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) can make life difficult for children, as well as their families. Sensory processing disorders are a range of conditions that cause children to struggle with processing information from their senses, which can lead to overstimulation, anxiety,

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tree greenery

Occupational Therapy in Ipswich: What To Expect

When you’re seeking occupational therapy services, it can be helpful to know what to expect. Therapy Partners is a team of experienced and qualified therapists who provide high-quality occupational therapy services across Ipswich and Brisbane. Our therapists work with participants

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at home occupational therapy session with a child

What Happens During an OT Home Visit?

Occupational therapists help individuals regain, develop, or maintain the skills they need for day-to-day activities, fostering greater independence and improving quality of life. These professionals work with people of all ages who are facing physical, mental, or developmental challenges, providing

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a lady touching her neck and vocal chords

Handling Vocal Fatigue: Tips & Treatments

Vocal fatigue is an issue that can disproportionately affect many people who rely on their voice for their work. It’s a condition that can affect anyone from teachers and coaches to singers and public speakers, impairing the ability to communicate

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two children boys playing positively together

Enhancing Positive Behaviour in Therapy

Positive behaviour is a crucial aspect of therapy success across various disciplines, including occupational therapy, speech pathology, and behavioural support. It involves adopting actions, attitudes, and reactions that contribute to personal growth, effective communication, and overall well-being. In behavioural support

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elderly people outside enjoying life after a stroke

Occupational Therapy’s Role in Stroke Rehabilitation

A stroke, a leading cause of disability worldwide, can drastically alter a person’s life. Strokes can impair physical movement, communication ability, emotional regulation, and cognitive functions, presenting unique challenges for each individual affected. However, with effective stroke rehabilitation, many individuals

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children outside talking together

Speech Clarity Techniques for Children

The magic of language is a gift we often take for granted. Language allows us to express our thoughts, share our feelings, and connect with others. Yet, for many children, developing clear speech can be a challenge. Difficulties in articulation

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hyperactive children with ADHD and an OT

OT & ADHD in Children: Fostering Focus & Self-Regulation

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of children worldwide. It often leads to challenges in academic, social, and emotional development, and is characterised by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can

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young children focused in school and showing good sensory integration

Sensory Processing in Paediatric OT

Sensory processing is a crucial aspect of child development. It’s fundamental to understand that the way a child perceives and responds to sensory stimuli from their environment is integral to their overall growth and capacity to learn. This involves the

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an elderly person happily cooking independently in the kitchen thanks to Speech Pathology for Parkinson's Disease

Speech Pathology Approaches for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease, a neurodegenerative disorder, primarily affects dopamine-producing neurons in the brain, leading to a range of both motor and non-motor symptoms. The progressive nature of Parkinson’s means that these symptoms gradually worsen over time, posing increasing challenges to those

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children playing together happily in a field

Early Intervention in Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) is a dynamic and ever-evolving field that aims to improve the quality of life for individuals who face challenges in their daily activities. By focusing on enhancing personal independence in performing everyday tasks, occupational therapy offers tailored

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elderly person driving a car independently

Occupational Therapy for Adults with Dementia

Dementia is a progressive condition that affects millions of adults globally, impacting their cognitive function and ability to perform daily activities independently. Characterised by a decline in memory, problem-solving skills, and other cognitive abilities, dementia can significantly alter an individual’s

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elderly person using accessiblity grab rails

OT Home Modifications Enhancing Daily Living

Occupational therapy (OT) is a vital tool that aids individuals with disabilities to live independently and enjoy a better quality of life. By focusing on improving functional abilities and adapting the environment to meet individual needs, OT empowers people with

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child in a speech pathology session

Speech Pathology & Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people perceive and interact with the world around them. One of the most significant challenges faced by individuals with ASD is communication, which can range from

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children hyperactive and excited

Behavioural Support Strategies for Managing ADHD in Children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children worldwide. Characterised by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, ADHD can significantly disrupt academic performance, social interactions, and family dynamics, often leading to stress and frustration

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registered ndis occupational therapist

Finding an NDIS Registered Occupational Therapist

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has revolutionised the way Australians with disabilities receive support, including access to crucial occupational therapy services. The process of finding an NDIS registered Occupational Therapist (OT) can be daunting, but is an essential step

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child struggling to eat food

Feeding and Swallowing Challenges in Children

Navigating the world of feeding and swallowing challenges in children can be daunting for parents and caregivers. These difficulties not only impact a child’s nutritional intake but also their overall development and quality of life. Thankfully, paediatric speech pathology offers

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child experiencing sensory stimulation

Decoding the Sensory Profile (OT Report)

Navigating the complexities of childhood development can be a challenging journey for parents and caregivers, especially when faced with sensory processing issues that can significantly impact a child’s day-to-day life. Understanding these challenges is crucial, and that’s where the Sensory

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OT and Speech Pathology has never been easier

The integration of speech and occupational therapy presents a simple solution for families navigating the complexities of developmental challenges. For families needing multiple NDIS services, travelling between different clinics, juggling different therapists, and avoiding miscommunications becomes difficult. At Therapy Partners

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child playing on an ipad on a soft couch

Support for OT Home Modification Assessments

Creating accessible living environments is crucial for individuals with mobility or sensory challenges. Occupational Therapists (OTs) play a vital role in this process through Home Modification Assessments. These assessments are not just about making a space more navigable; they’re about

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Weighted blanket on sofa

The Benefits of Weighted Blankets in OT

Weighted blankets, once the purview of a specialised audience, have taken a spotlight in both mainstream wellness circles and therapeutic settings. Known for their calming and healing effects, they are making waves in the realm of occupational therapy and speech

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Paediatric OT for Sensory Processing Disorders

Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) can make life difficult for children, as well as their families. Sensory processing disorders are a range of conditions that cause children to struggle with processing information from their senses, which can lead to overstimulation, anxiety,

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tree greenery

Occupational Therapy in Ipswich: What To Expect

When you’re seeking occupational therapy services, it can be helpful to know what to expect. Therapy Partners is a team of experienced and qualified therapists who provide high-quality occupational therapy services across Ipswich and Brisbane. Our therapists work with participants

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